It’s time to shine the spotlight on your words!
Whether you’re an artistic director, producer, general manager, or development officer, running a successful arts organization can be a hectic (but worthwhile) job.
From programming shows and planning events to applying for funding, liaising with stakeholders, and trying to build a community around your mission, there’s just not enough time left for marketing. But to make a lasting impact, you need to reach the right people. So every email, article, and webpage you create needs words that pack a punch. Words that inspire, resonate, and play their part in a carefully-cultivated patron’s journey.
That’s why you need me—an arts copywriter with a knack for punchy, edgy copy that will leave your audience spellbound!
Let my words connect you to your audience.
The performing arts industry is different from any other industry. Rather than providing people with a product or service, you’re inviting people to experience and engage with one another. Your copy should do the same.
I’m passionate about connecting audiences to live artistic experiences through the written word with compelling copy that captivates and converts your prospects into loyal fans. Together, we’ll build your brand and broaden your fanbase.
So whether you need a hand with launching a new season or with writing a press release, event landing page, or even tasks that don’t warrant a new employee such as your weekly email newsletter, I’ll handle it all!
Here’s how I’ll amplify your impact!
Brand Strategy
A well-told story sets the stage for a deeper level of connection with your current and prospective audience. I’ll champion your unique brand voice by generating compelling content across all online and offline marketing channels, including print (brochures, mail pieces), emails, newsletters, social media, video, web pages, etc.
Email Copywriting
Your fans and followers are just waiting to be inspired! I’ll write powerful and personal emails that’ll keep your subscribers entertained, enthused, and engaged in your work to ensure you stay top of mind.
Season Brochures/Program Books
Need someone to write, edit, or proofread your program books or season brochures read by thousands of patrons? I’ve cracked what makes content dance and sing. Plus, I'll use my eagle eye (and a whole lot of Stabilo pens) to develop best-in-class copy that will solidify your brand voice and audience engagement.
Website Content
How do you get your work seen by people who matter when there are literally hundreds of thousands of web pages online showcasing artists and selling art? Well, you need a copywriter like me with search-engine smarts and arts industry knowledge to create optimized content that turns browsers into buyers and puts you at the top!
Press Releases
Your mission is powerful and valuable. It’s bigger than a social update or an email newsletter. With a well-written press release that’s written and sent to the right contacts, you can earn some deserved coverage, reach more people, and build your profile. Need someone to craft the right message? I can help!
Social Media Strategy
Your dream is to have people around the world see your art…and fall in love with it. I’ll create the digital and strategic solutions you need to reel in the right people and make your mark on the world.